Saturday, July 18, 2009


Sebelum berangkat ke Thailand, temen gue Irene bilang kalau gue wajib nonton Alcazar show di Pattaya. Begitu juga David, dia request untuk nambahin acara ini di itinerary kita sebelum berangkat. So sebelum berangkat gue udah booking optional show ini ke travel agent dengan biaya per orang US$ 18.00 atau sekitar Rp 175.000,00. Menurut Awee ini show banci-banci di Thailand dan sangat sopan …. he he he he … iseng gue nongol …. Lho memang ada yang nggak sopan Awee? Kalau show yang nakal ada nggak? Hi hi hi hi … satu mobil rame denger celetukan gue. Tapi ternyata Awee bilang “Oh ada. Kalau mau, nanti abis nonton Alcazar saya antar ke tempat nonton Thai Girl Show atau Spiderman Show ….. hua ha ha ha ha ….. Asli gue curious banget :-)

Before I go to Thailand, my friend Irene told me that watch Alcazar Show at Pattaya is compulsory. David also requests me to add this optional show in our itinerary. So I booked this show to the travel agent with cost US$ 18.00 or about Rp 175.000,00 before we go to Bangkok. Regarding Awee information, the transvestite homosexual show is a polite show….a a a … my horn coming out J It means, is there an unpolite show? Is there a noughty show also? …ha ha ha ha ha … I think all people in the car were shy to ask before me and some complaint to me because asked. But Awee said yes, there is. He was offering us to bring to Thai Girl show and Spiderman show ….. whuahahhahaha….For sure I am very become more curious! :-)

Ffuuiiihhh …. !!! bener juga kata Irene, cabaret show-nya bencong-bencong Thailand ini keren banget. Ternyata orang bilang bencong disini cantik-cantik dan mulus-mulus kayak porselen, bener semua. Pasti kalau nggak ada yang ngasih tahu, nggak bakalan deh kita tahu kalau itu bencong. Mereka begitu luwes sekali berlenggak-lenggok menari. Gue denger sih di Thailand ini memang terkenal operasi permak badan paling bagus. Katanya sih ada rumah sakit khusus untuk itu lho .... so kalo ada orang pengen merubah diri dari cowok ke cewek atau sebaliknya bisa kesini. Bahkan banyak lho para wanita di dunia yang berdatangan ke Thailand dan rela mengeluarkan banyak uang hanya untuk melakukan operasi atau suntik biar jadi cantik, putih dan mulus …. Hi hi hi hi …. Kenapa ya … nih cewek-cewek nggak ada yang mikir kalo cantik itu datang dari dalam diri kita :-)

Fffuuuiiihhh….!!! Irene was right! The cabaret show of The Thailand transvestite homosexual was awesome. Apprently people said that they are so pretty and looks like porceilen, it’s true. If nobody told that they are transvestite homosexual, we wouldn’t know. They walk, dance and sing so nature like a beautiful girl. I heard that Thailand very famous with the best plastic surgery. There is a specialist hospital to do that…. So if someone wanna change from male to be female or the contrary could be there. Moreover many female around the world comes to Thailand to do plastic surgery or injection to make them pretty, white and flowless …..hi hi hi hi hi….Girl! Why they couldn’t think that pretty is coming from inside themselves.

Selesai pertunjukan, kita bisa berfoto ria dengan para waria di luar gedung pertunjukan. Tapi foto dengan mereka nggak gratis kayak kita mau foto sama artis ngetop idola kita lho!! Kita musti bayar Bath 40 untuk sekali foto ….. hi hi hi hi …. Hebat kan???!! Udah gitu pada berebut lagi foto ama yang paling cantik …. Hua hahahhaha …. Gila cing!! Laris maniiiisss!!! Denger-denger sih mereka juga bisa dibooking, mau jam-jaman or long stay …. xix xi xi xi xi ….. gue bilang ma Dave, mau book salah satu dari mereka gak? Lumayan buat nemenin dia maen congklak di kamar …. Huahaahhahah … dia cuma nyengir and says kenapa nggak elo aja nemenin gue …. Huaaaaahhh … larriiiii … :-)

The end of show, we can take a picture with the actris outside the building performance. But it’s not free take a picture with them. We have to pay 40B for one picture…. Hi hi hi hi … unbelievable isn’t it? Moreover the audiences were vying to take picture with the most beautiful actris … ha ha ha ha ha … crazy! I also heard that we can book them for hours or long stay …. Xi xi xi xi xi… I said to David, wanna book one of them or not? May be can accompany him in his room … huahahhaha … he only smile and said why don’t you accompany me …. Ha ha ha ha ha ha … ruuuunnnn!!!

Chinese Food Dinner

Kali ini kita dinner di sebuah restaurant Chinese Food. Makanannya enak banget ditambah lagi David beli wine untuk rame-rame. Meskipun kita duduk berdesak-desakan dalam satu meja, tetep aja seru berebut makanan. Padahal makanan sebenernya banyak, cuma yang ngeselin nih … piringnya kecil-kecil jadi susah kalo mau ngambil makanan banyak. Mungkin sengaja kali ya …. Biar kita nggak ngambil makanannya banyak-banyak … he he he he … belum tahu dia kalau group ini lumayan rakus-rakus orang-orangnya :-)

This time we got dinner in the Chinesse food restaurant. The foods was so good, moreover David bought a bottle wine for all of us. Even we didn’t have space for sitting in the one table we still have fun vying for food. Actually foods more than enough, but we fid up with the size of the plate … so small, make it us difficult to take many food. May be the restaurant was expressly given ya… To make us couldn’t take many foods …. He he he he… The restaurant didn’t know that member of this group very greedy … ha ha ha ha ha….

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