Saturday, June 27, 2009


New Friend Again

Selesai pada shopping, kita langsung diantar ke sebuah hotel untuk makan siang di sana. Makanannya buffee seafood dan makanan khas Thailand. Tapi karena masih kenyang dengan breakfast tadi pagi, so gue nggak terlalu banyak makan. Selesai makan, Awee ngasih tahu kalau ada 2 orang lagi akan joint ke Pattaya namanya Dara dan Min. Duuuhhh …. dua orang ini tomboy abis, rame dan asyik juga orangnya. Kita nganter dua temen baru ini ke hotel dulu untuk check out dan sama seperti kita cuma bawa beberapa barang yang perlu untuk nginap semalam di Pattaya, sedangkan barang lainnya dititip di hotel. So now di dalam combi kita ada 13 orang yang semuanya seru dan asyik banget. I really love this group. :-)

Finished shopping, we are going lunch at a hotel. (I don’t know the name of the hotel) There are seafood and Thai food buffee. I didn’t eat much because still full from breakfast this morning. After lunch, Awee told us that 2 persons will joint to Pattaya. There are Dara and Min. Aaahhh ….. They are so tomboy, fun, and friendly. We went to their hotel for check out and take some stuff for stay a night at Pattaya. So now we are 13 fun and crowded people … he he he he he. I really love this group :-)

Sriracha Tiger

Di tengah perjalanan ke Pattaya kita stop by di Tiger Zoo & Crocodile Farm. Sriracha Tiger terkenal dengan happy family-nya, yaitu harimau dan babi hidup berdampingan dengan damai. Ada induk harimau yang menyusui anak-anak babi, begitu pula sebaliknya. Kok bisa ya … kayak nonton acara TV aneh tapi nyata. Tadinya gue mau ambil photonya, tapi terlalu penuh sesak orang-orang yang mau nonton jadinya susah mo motret. Apalagi bau keringat turis-turis Taiwan plus berisiknya suara bereka bikin gue mabok. Ternyata turis Taiwan memang terkenal rame dan berisik di mana-mana.

On the middle way to Pattaya we stop by and visit Tiger Zoo and Crocodile Farm. Sriracha Tiger is famous with the happy family. There are tigers and pigs live together with a peace. There is a mother tiger gives her milk to babies pig, so on the contrary. Strange ya … look like watch TV show Strange but Real. Actually I wanna take a picture of them but very difficult because too many people are watching. Moreover there are smelled and crowded Taiwanies group. They made me feel queasy. Apparently Taiwan tourist was famous crowded in everywhere. :-)

Di Sriracha Tiger ini kita disuguhi crocodile show dan show babi. Gue cuma nonton crocodile show aja dan pas show babi gue nongkrong di luar ruangan show karena gue nggak tahan ama bau babi yang menyengat. Apalagi gue sering banget liat babi panggang di Bali … naahhh kalau yang ini baunya haruuummm bikin perut laper … he he he he he …. Sedangkan crocodile show lumayan seru, habis nih orang Thailand nggak takut sama sekali masukin kepalanya ke mulut buaya … hiiiiii …. gue sampai merinding and tutup mata ngeliatnya.

There are crocodiles show performance and pigs show performance at Sriracha Tiger. I only watched the crocodile show till the end but when the pigs show started. I didn’t like the place very smelled. More over, I often see struggling pig in Bali … ha ha ha ha…. For this one so good smelled make me sturving …hi hi hi hi hi. Anyway the crocodile show was not bad. The Thai people very brave put their head in the crocodile mouth…. Hiiiiiii … I feel suddenly frightened and close my eyes.