Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ini show paling seru … xi xi xi xi xi …. Harga ticketnya Bath 600. Sebelum masuk kita diperiksa karena nggak boleh bawa kamera, handycam, handphone … yaahh pokoknya segala macam alat perekam. Apalagi suasananya remang-remang di dalem tapi rammeeee banget suara orang-orang di dalam. Waaahhh … bikin gue makin curious aja … show apaan nih.

This was a very exciting show …. xi xi xi xi xi ….. The ticket price is 600 Bath. The security was checking our stuffs before enter inside due to there is a rule no camera inside. So we couldn’t bring camera, handycamm, handphone … all kind of recorder stuffs. Moreover the situation inside was dark and very crowded. Aaahhh… made me more curious … what kind of show it is… 

Tadinya Nana ama Yeni gak mau ikut nonton, tapi ternyata pas gue masuk si Nana udah duduk di kursi paling depan … huahahhahahha….. trus penontonnya penuh banget and cowooookkk semua. Gilaaaaaa!!! ….. ternyata yang kita tonton di panggung cewek-cewek bugil nggak pakai baju selembarpun pada show kebolehan alat vaginanya melakukan banyak hal seperti, nulis, ngerokok, buka tutup botol, ngelempar pisang & bola pimpong, trus pakai sumpit untuk nembak balon ….. huuaaaah shock bener gue ngeliatnya. Apalagi segala macem barang kayak silet, jarum, bola pingpong bahkan ikan sama burung hidup dikeluarin dari alat vaginanya. Xi xi xi xi xi … kok kayak kantong doraemon. Kata Yeni lokernya gede amat ya ….  Mungkin orang pikir paling-paling pas buka tutup botol, tutupnya udah dibikin agak longgar. Tapi sebelum botol dibuka tutupnya, mereka suruh orang-orang ngecek. Kebetulan karena gue duduk di depan sendiri so … gue curious and ikut nge-check juga tuh tutup botol yang memang bener-bener tertutup rapat dan masih disegel. Tadinya malu gue nonton itu, tapi lama-lama malah jadi ikut seru nontonnya … xi xi xi xi xi xi …. Udah nggak ngeliat itu sebagai tontonan porno lagi, tapi malah kayak nonton atraksi unjuk kebolehan seperti di siskus-sirkus atau atraksi sulap. Abis mereka juga bisa bikin air putih yang dimasukin ke alat vagiana begitu dikeluarin jadi warna merah and hijau. Mereka nawarin penonton untuk minum tapi nggak ada yang mau …. Yaaahh pastinya jijik dan takut juga kalo kena penyakit 

Actually Nana and Yeni didn’t want to watch this show, but when I entered I saw Nana is already sit down on the chair in front of the stage … hua ha ha ha ha ha …. Then all audiences were mostly male and so full. Crazy….!!! Apparently we watch nudist Thailand girls show. They are naked without any clothes. They are doing many attraction by their vagina like writing, smoking, open a bottle of softdrink, throwing bananas and ping pong balls, blow a ballon using chopstick …. Huuaaaahhh… I was very shock. Moreover they were taking out so many stuffs like razor, sewing needle, ping pong ball, also life fishs and birds from their miss cheer up. Xi xi xi xi xi xi … Looks like Doraemon pocket. Yeni said, “wow….their locker so big!”. May be the audience though that before show they made the bottle was little bit open, so would make easy to open by miss cheer up. But before the girl open the bottle of mineral water, they came to the audiences to check it. Lucky me, I was sit on the chair of infront line … so I was curious and I did to check it. It’s very hard to open and still in the plastict seal. Before I was embarrassed to watch this show, but slowly I was getting axciting….xi xi xi xi xi … I couldn’t see like porno performance anymore but more looks like watching a sircus or magic performance. They made a bottle of mineral water which put inside of their miss cheer up become red and green like a magic. They were offering audience to drink the water but nobody take it … yeeaahh …of course it was disgusted and everybody afraid get sick 

Ternyata yang nongol bugil nggak cuma cewek-cewek doang. Tiba-tiba gue kaget terbelalak ngeliat cowok keluar panggung dengan penisnya yang gueeedeee bener … dan bikin attraksi mukulin minuman kaleng sampai terbuka dan penyok ….. xi xi xi xi …kata Yeni apa nggak sakit ya …. Terakhir show, nih cowok and cewek having sex di atas panggung dengan berbagai posisi ….. hhuuuaaahhh ….. Gila!! … gue pikir show beginian cuma ada di Belanda  Kebayang gimana yaa….kalau show-show beginian di-legalkan juga di Indonesia 

Apperently the show was not only Thai girl performance. I was shock suddently a naked guy came out to the stage with his very big penis. He hit a softdrink can by his penis until open and flattened…. Xi xi xi xi xi … Yeni said, “Is that heard?” … Then the last show, the girl and the guy were having sex on the stage with many styles…. Huaaahhh crazy!! … I though show like this only in Holland … I couldn’t imagen how if show like this is legal in Indonesia 

Fourth Scandal

Lagi-lagi David gak bisa duduk manis aja selama pertunjukkan. Waktu salah satu atraksi Thai Girl ini ngajak penonton naik ke panggung, semangat banget dia. Ada 2 orang penonton lagi yang naek ke atas panggung. Cewek-cewek itu ngebukain baju mereka. Gue udah was-was aja kalo David ditelanjangin. Untungnya cuma dibuka baju atasnya doang dan mereka disuruh ngambil makanan yang ditaruh di atas tubuh cewek yang telanjang bugil  Abis itu mereka trus masuk ke belakang panggung. Gue penasaran banget kenapa mereka begitu lama di belakang panggung. Waktu mereka keluar dari pintu diluar panggung, pas cewek-cewek bugil ini selesai melakukan atraksi melempar pisang dengan vaginanya. Tuh pisang ditawarin ke penonton nggak ada yang mau, karena David keluar terakhir dari pintu …ditangkeplah sama cewek-cewek itu dan ditawarin pisang …. Whuuuaaahhh gue udah teriak-teriak jangan dimakan … eeeh gak didenger … alhasil pisang yang keluar dari dalem vagina dimakan David dengan nikmatnya …. Hhyyyyaaaccchhh!!! Antara geli mau ketawa dan mau muntah ngeliat kejadian itu 

Again … David couldn’t to be sweety boy just sit and watch until finish the performance. He was very excited to go to the stage when the girls asked the audience. There were 2 another guys on the stage. The girls opened their clothes. I was worry if they take all the clothes. Lucky him, they just take out their shirt then the asked them to take foods on the naked body one of the girls by their mounth. After that they bring all guys to behind of the stage. I was curious why they took so long at behind of the stage. The girls just finished with their bananas performance when they were came out. The girls offered the banana which just took out from their miss cheer up to audience. But no body wants. Lucky David … because he came out the last from behind of the stage, the girls catch him and give the banana…. Whuuuuaaahhhh I was screaming to say don’t eat to him … but it was so crowded and didn’t hear me … so…he ate the banana … hhhyyyyaaaaaccchhhkkyyy!!! Between I lough because of funny and feel disguasting with this happen 

Century Beach Hotel

Sebenernya Awee masih nawarin untuk nonton Spiderman Show. Gue denger sih ini show lebih gila lagi. Pertunjukkan cowok sama cewek, cewek sama cewek, and cowok sama cowok lagi having sex. Yang lebih gila lagi kalo penontonnya boleh ikutan maen. Gue sebenernya curious pengen nonton, tapi badan udah cape dan lengket banget banget ama keringat seharian so gue misah dengan rombongan langsung check in ke Century Beach hotel.

Actually Awee was offering us another show “Spiderman”. I heard this show more hot and crazy. The show is performing a couple of guy and girl, girl and girl, and a couple guy and guy have sex on the stage. Moreover this show is offering if the audience would like to joint on the stage. Wow… I was really curious with what I heard, but my body was getting tired already and would like to take shower. So I was going to Century Beach Hotel for and didn’t joint with others.

Dari namanya gue pikir tadinya nih hotel ada di pinggir pantai, ternyata terletak di pinggir jalan besar di kota Pattaya. Kamar hotelnya sederhana kayak hotel bintang 3, tapi lumayan bersih dan full tamu.

I though the hotel is in front of the beach same as the hotel name but actually not. The hotel is in front of the main road of Pattaya city. Very simple room like 3 stars hotel, but very clean and full of guest.